Friday, January 28, 2011

8 Facts about Henry Moore

He suffered gas poisoning in World War I. His lungs 
were permanently affected by mustard gas.

He associated his rotund figures 
with the countryside. The rolling hills.

Some think the blank visages of his reclining 
sculptures and their hollowness 
has to do with his war experience.

He was fascinated by holes, 
loving their mystery.

During the Blitz, he went into the London Underground 
(the subway) to draw people taking refuge there.  
He also drew coal miners underground. 
His father was a mining engineer.

One of his favorite themes was mother and child.

He did many sculptures inspired by helmets. 
And mushroom-shaped clouds.

Bones inspired him. 
So did driftwood, pebbles, and shells.


Moore's "Oval With Points" on the Princeton 
campus with my son Henry.

My daughter Margaret makes a point
with "Large Spindle Piece" at the
North Carolina Museum of Art.

The sculptor's middle name
is Spencer. We are not
related, so far as I know.