Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Faces of Roanoke

John W. Reburn, III
Owner, Appalachian Press, 
and maker of beautiful silk-screen prints.

Ann, knower of all things Roanoke, 
at the Visitor's Bureau, who
remembers when going to
the downtown Farmer's 
Market to get a fresh chicken 
meant picking one out while 
it was still clucking.

Deborah Goglia, community relations director 
at Center in the Square (left), with painter Carrie McNutt
a recently transplanted Knoxvillian,
whose Smoky Mountain scenes are in the background.

A master barista (and Tar Heel) at 
Get Coffee on 
what he says is Roanoke's 
coolest street, Kirk Avenue.
I believe him.

Daryn and Pam 
at La De Da 
where a Dad can buy his
soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter
possibly cool clothes 
(if she approves).

Margie and Pam (?) at the 
Taubman Museum Shop.
Margie and I share a 
Buckingham, Va., connection.

Tom Anderton, the long-time owner, 
of Sam's on the Market,
purveyor of uniforms to 
police officers and firepeople.